International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Ron Bell (President)
  • David Morrissette (1st VP)
  • Mike Van Schoonhoven (2nd VP)
  • Dennis Tennant (Secretary)
  • Mike Oberholtzer (Treasurer)
  • John Noack (DLC)
  • Jim Pearsall (Historian/Publication Director)
  • Marie Van Schoonhoven (Office Manager) *
  • Eric Aitala (Webmaster) *

* = Non-voting staff or Guest


Action Items

  • 50 year membership pins mailed out to eligible members.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Finalizing arrangements for the election and amendment voting with the Journal and web site.
  • Distributed about ninety 50 year membership pins via USPS. From the feedback I've received, they were very much appreciated. We will start distributing the 25 year pins at the convention in Omaha to reduce postage as there are around 700 of them. We may look into alternate shipping methods as well.
  • Spent some time thinking about and discussing from where the next generation of IPMS/USA eboard members will come from.

David Morrissette, 1st VP

  • Late reviews are at 48. Nothing much more than a few weeks late at this point.
  • Working on Sprue Bros ad. Coming slowly as life has interrupted.
  • Need to set up the Reviewer Corps get together at the Nationals and Review Support Dinner

Mike Van Schoonhoven, 2nd Vice President

  • No new convention bids have appeared for the board to evaluate at this year's convention.
  • We are gearing up for the Omaha convention.

Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer

  • Transaction activity for the 2017 convention has been very high in March. Total convention income for March is $15,767.00.
  • The Huntington Bank accounts are now completely closed out and all banking is at Chase. I haven't had time to look at the credit card fee comparison yet as I have been working on trying to close out the 2016 convention. Pete Maher and I are getting closer to tying out the numbers.
  • A first quarter 2017 comparative Statement of Activity is attached. We are ahead of last year financially, but of course we haven't closed out the 2016 convention yet either.

Dennis Tennant, Secretary

  • This year's convention theme was particularly relevant to at least one member who sent the following note to me:
    My name is Robert Broughton IPMS # 48752, pilot and an avid scale model builder. The theme is for the 2017 convention caught my attention. "Going Downtown" is the title of a well-known book authored by my recently deceased brother, Col Jack Broughton, USAF, retired.( 100 missions North, Air Force Cross, +3 DFCs etc.) I laud IPMS's efforts to promote the historical events of " Rolling Thunder " thru scale modeling. The missions flown by the Air Force and the Navy into North Vietnam and "Route Pack 1" were truly heroic. The attached photo is a 1/48 scale model of Jack's F-105, (Alices Joy) and the dust covers of two of his books. They are both accurate chronicles of the air war over Vietnam and much more. I wish you well with your 2017 National Convention. Sincerely, Robert Broughton Colonel, USAF retired.

    Robert Broughton

John Noack, DLC

  • Rechartering has officially closed. One chapter in R-11 remains in limbo. We recently added two chapters and have had several inquiries about starting chapters, the most recent being in Utica NY.
  • All 2017 Charter Certificates have been mailed out (thanks, Marie!).
  • Gathering finalists for Chapter, Webmaster, and Newsletter of the Year. Slow responses, and not all Regions are participating.
  • Updating the DLC Operating Handbook to reflect current procedures and policies.

Jim Pearsal, Historian/Publication Dir.

  • I helped Airfix Magazine update our new address for the IPMS/USA ad in their magazine.
  • I sent Doug Reed contact info for Tru-Color Paint, a fairly new company here in the Phoenix area making model paints. They expressed interest in an ad.

Marie Van Schoonhoven, National Office Manager

  • 37 new members in March.
  • Renewing PO Box this month.
  • Getting quite a bit of returned mail for forwarding expired or bad addresses.

Eric Aitala, Webmaster

  • For the 2018 National Convention, I am going to try using Slack, an online service/app for communication, file sharing, and such. If anyone wants to join in who wasn't on my email to them, please let me know and I'll send an email invite. I'd also use the same service to manage any web development for the new site theme.

Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary