International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Dick Christ (President)
  • Dave Morrissette (1st VP)
  • Ron Bell (2nd VP)
  • Dennis Tennant (Secretary)
  • John Shimek (Treasurer)
  • Larry Randel (DLC)
  • John Ratzenberger (DFL)
  • Jim Pearsall (Historian/Publication Director)
  • Bruce Briggs (Membership Secretary)
  • Mary Jane Kinney (Office Manager) *
  • Mark Persichetti (Chief Judge) *
  • Eric Aitala (Webmaster) *

* = Non-voting staff or Guest


Old Business

  • Ongoing discussion about our electronic shopping cart. Webmaster Eric Aitala is test-driving new shopping cart software to see if it will suit our needs. Eric: working on playing with new software to see how it works. So far, no conclusions. Eric will continue testing and will give the board an update next month.
  • The Director of Foreign Liaison and Journal Executive Editor / Advertising Director positions need to be filled after recent resignations. An invitation for applicants will be printed in the next Journal along with job descriptions for both.

New Business

  • Tony Ivone, Regional Coordinator for Region 11 (Florida) has resigned. DLC Larry Randel will be interviewing two candidates for the job and will give his recommendation to the board soon.
  • Chris Martens has submitted his resignation as Forum Administrator effective March 1, 2015. The Webmaster will oversee for now and will head up the search for a replacement.
  • President Christ accepted John Ratzenberger's resignation as Director of Foreign Liaison effective this meeting.

Officer/Staff Reports

Dick Christ, President

  • No new items to report.

David Morrissette, 1st VP

  • There are currently sixty late reviews. We are making progress.
  • Jon Emory is getting leftover kits from the selection Minicraft gave the society.
  • There were 83 reviews posted in January.
  • AOA Decals, Tarangus and two other new manufacturers have provided items for review.

Ron Bell, 2nd Vice President

  • Working on following up on convention leads for 2017.
  • Columbus Nationals planning is getting down to more detailed items. T-shirt design will be announced soon as well as floor plans, scheduling, etc.

John Shimek, Treasurer

  • Nothing to report. He noted that the 2015 budget has been printed in the current Journal.

Dennis Tennant, Secretary

  • No new items to report.

Larry Randel, DLC

  • The annual awards process is moving forward for Regional Coordinators to select their regional winners and nominate candidates for the National awards of Chapter of the Year, Newsletter of the Year and Website/Webmaster of the Year. The deadline for their choices is March 15. The goal is to have the COY picked and to MJ by April 1, 2015.
  • RC-11 Tony Ivone resigned January 24, 2015. A search is underway and the application phase is nearly complete. Hoping to have a final nominee to the Board for email vote by the end of February and to have that person in place by March 1.

Jim Pearsal, Historian/Publication Dir.

  • No new items to report.

John Ratzenberger, Dir. Foreign Liaison

  • No new items to report.

Bruce Briggs, Membership Secretary

  • No new items to report.

MJ Kinney, National Office Manager

  • Journal V27J1 was mailed to 4019 recipients February 6, 2015. Unfortunately, the printer erroneously put 1100 expiration notices in current members' Journal poly bag. The printer has assured us that those members whose accounts were really expiring did get the notice.
  • We had a total of 447 new members in 2014 and 56 new members to date in 2015.
  • The new brochures look very nice and packets have been sent to chapters hosting events. New membership cards and window envelopes have been printed, as well as brochures.
  • Tidewater IPMS has received their check for their portion of the profits from the 2014 National Convention.

Eric Aitala, Webmaster

  • Updated IPMS/USA web site with new theme
  • Still have pages to do - mostly E-board meeting minutes
  • Working with web host tech support to fix configuration issue which is causing issues with ?error 404? pages.
  • Will have update to home page with image slideshow this weekend.
  • Waiting on Columbus to approve online registration for the National convention before making it ?live.?

Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary