Old Business/Tabled Items
- Continuing discussion over the 2015 budget. Treasurer is working up the proposed budget using data from last year and projections from board members. A cap of $10,000 has been placed on the Make N Take program and $2500 has been put into the 2015 budget for promotions/marketing.
New Business
- Chief Judge Mark Persichetti presented the National Contest Committee's recommendation that the board approve the naming four "best of" awards through contest year 2017. He also submitted for board approval the elimination of the "best of" award for best chapter/group entry as it was duplicating the "Custer Cup" award already given to the best chapter/group entry. Board approved by acclamation.
- Motion made by Ratzenberger (seconded by Tennant) that the board approve the NCC's naming of four National "best of" awards for contest years 2015, 2016 and 2017 as:
- the George Lee Judges' Grand Award,
- the Tom Kolk Best Junior Model Award,
- the Art Gerber Best Military Vehicle Award
- and the Ken Robert Best Aircraft Award.
- The motion passed by unanimous vote.
- President Dick Christ noted recent discussion on the IPMS/USA forum concerning the out of the box rules and asked that Persichetti read through the threads before writing his article on the new rules changes for the Journal. It was hoped that he'd be able to help clarify the OOB rules for the membership.
Officer/Staff Reports
Dick Christ, President
David Morrissette, 1st VP
- Late Reviews are at 62
A total of 690 reviews have been posted through August
Ron Bell, 2nd Vice President
- I have sent the Norfolk convention chairman the parameters for the after action report from this year's convention.
- Columbus Nationals planning moves along.
- They sold vendor tables at Norfolk and currently there are only 22 left.
- They had flyers with their logo (very nice, by the way) and info about Columbus at Norfolk.
- Their web site is up.
- Sponsorships from chapters are being solicited via the chapter renewal mailings and will be sent to manufacturers/etc. around Dec./Jan.
- The hotel will now take reservations. Convention registration is being worked on.
- The only tour will be to the Air Force Museum.
- T-shirts will be sold via pre-registration and at the show.
- There will be a wives' lounge.
- The special categories will be run differently. Their theme is "History Through Modeling", so just about every model in the room would qualify for something. It is broken down into several time periods that go from pre-historic to the future. So Instead of awards given to qualifying models entered in a host of categories that the judges have to seek out all over the room, the special awards will actually be special categories in and of themselves. If you want to try for one of these awards, you will enter one of the special categories instead of where the model would normally be entered. This will result in planes competing against tanks and figures et. al. all on one table. They ran this past the NCC who were actually quite enthusiastic about the idea. The awards for these categories will also be special and not like the normal category awards.
- They've contacted Vlad about doing the awards slideshow and will contact Bill and Aris about doing their part.
Dennis Tennant, Secretary
John Shimek, Treasurer
- Currently working on budget items. Have currently received budget items from MJ Kinney, D. Morrissette, D. Tennant, J. Ratzenberger, Bruce Briggs,and L. Randel.
Larry Randel, DLC
John Ratzenberger, Dir. Foreign Liaison
- International registration problem is closed. ?To preclude future problems, the CMS Country Code table has been updated and I will ensure new branches are added. I will prepare an international "FAQ" page for the convention website and will provide a written list of any people/problems to watch for the front desk at the convention. ?I have sent a note to 2015 Chair to ensure we are linked up now.
- Still to be resolved are problems with online registration and credit cards for some international members. ?As I am made aware of international convention registrants, I will recommend they use mail for pre-reg and not wait until they get to the convention.
Bruce Briggs, Membership Secretary
Jim Pearsal, Director of Publications/Historian
MJ Kinney, National Office Manager
- We will be mailing 4146 issues of V26J5 with 320 new members for the year which is 50 more than last. A total of 233 members have not renewed from the last journal which we mailed to 4212 recipients.
- I want to thank all those who helped at the spur of the moment at the convention, especially members John Shimek, Mike Van Schoonhaven and Ralph Nollan (well really their wives as they did the work !!). I am slowly getting caught up between sessions of physical therapy for my broken hip.
- I have an order with the vendor for 41 more 50th anniversary shirts. They have sold very well and I will have a final accounting for next month's meeting.
- We received a $50 donation to the Make N Take program from Michael Fosgett in Sacramento CA. He recently renewed his membership for 6 years as well.
- John Noack has volunteered to work with John Heck in updating our current brochure.? Noack is back as an active member of IPMS/USA and many years ago he worked on our brochure.
Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary