New Business
- 2VP Bell: Brief discussion about putting the CMS usage guidelines in place for 2016.
Officer/Staff Reports
Dick Christ, President
- Nothing submitted for this meeting.
David Morrissette, 1st VP
- Reviewer Corps
- Late reviews are down to 101.
- Working with late reviewers to either return items or finish the reviews.
- 337 reviews posted to the end of April.
- New manufacturers brought on: LPS Hobby, Freedom Models and Mirror Models.
- Supporting the Troops - from Jon Emery
- Support the Troops is rolling on with support continuing.
- Support to National Convention
- Working with Charles Landrum on sponsors for the Hampton Nationals.
Ron Bell, 2nd Vice President
- Work is being done to iron out the details for supporting the Convention Management System.
John Walczak Treasurer
- Ongoing discussion about Journal and make and take program financing. No decisions/motions made.
Dennis Tennant, Secretary
- Thanks to MJ Kinney for taking meeting notes in my absence this month.
- Final edits and changes are being made on the IPMS/USA staff roster. Still receiving conflict of interest forms from staff.
Larry Randel, DLC
- 228 chapters chartered with a couple more coming on board. The Board will be receiving choices for the National awards in the next week.
John Ratzenberger, Dir. Foreign Liaison
- ll the awards have been mailed, except two who simply disappeared and I?m not chasing them any more.? I am still awaiting results from many of them and I am still behind on processing those I do get.? No other news on 50th participation.
- One new SIG, Resin & Vacforms.
Bruce Briggs, Membership Secretary
- Nothing submitted for this meeting.
Jim Pearsal, Director of Publications/Historian
- Nothing submitted for this meeting.
MJ Kinney, National Office Manager
- At present we will be mailing V26j3 to 4,162 with only 126 that have not renewed from the Mar-April journal. This year we have 189 new members and 54 that have rejoined (membership lapsed more than one year).
- The 50th anniversary shirts are selling well as are the pins. I have gone with a new vendor and it is taking some real effort to get everything coordinated. I have discontinued the items that did not sell well and am thinking of adding a small ( 21x10x9) duffel bag with the logo embroidered on the flap. Any suggestions as to other items would be most welcome.
- I have obtained the quote for the convention cancellation insurance - $ 711.77. This includes terrorism coverage. Based on previous premiums for conventions on the east coast, this is very reasonable.
John Lent, 2014 Convention Chair
- By the Numbers (As of? 11 May 2014)
- Lodging: (Current as of 10 May 2014)
- 81% of total available rooms booked
- Embassy Suites - 100% - 1000 Room Nights
- Hilton Garden Inn - 155% - 60 Room Nights ???????????
- Courtyard Marriott - 90% - 300 Room Nights ???????????
- Springhill Suites - 23% - 240 Room Nights????????????????????????????
- Red Roof Inn - 55% - 160 Room Nights
- Days Inn - 47% - 300 Room Nights
- Vendors (Current as of 11 May 2014)
- 83 Vendors Confirmed
- Premium Tables Sold - 104
- Regular Tables Sold - 262
- Total: 366 (83% of total available tables)
- Awards Sponsorships? (Current of 30 Apr 2014)
- Standard Trophy Packages - 67 - (198 Total) - 33%
- Special Award Packages - 16 - (16 Total - 100%
- Total: 214 - 38.7%
- Registration (Current as of 11 May 2014)
- 153 Packages received
- 83 Banquet Tickets
- 41 Wounded Warrior Tickets
- Additional items
- HobbyLink Japan will be sponsoring the volunteer t-shirts.
- The tour to the Army facility will require photo ID.
- Awards have been ordered and are done ? photos should be on the website soon.
- A Ford Mustang will be on display and the owner will be doing a seminar on Mustangs.
- Convention decals and Judges pins have been ordered.
- Wing Nuts Wings will be donating models for the raffle.
- Squadron will be putting convention flyers in their shipments.
Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary