Old Business
New Business
- President Christ reported that the next issue of the Journal will include reprints of three Jim Sage articles from the original quarterly magazine.
- There will be no formal e-board meeting in April due to the Easter holiday. Instead, pressing business will be conducted via email. The next e-board conference call will be May 18, 2014.
Officer/Staff Reports
Dick Christ, President
David Morrissette, 1st VP
- Reviewer Corps
- Late reviews down to 120.
- 170 reviews posted in Jan/Feb. Extrapolates out to 1020 for the year
- Several new manufacturers supplying product
- Supporting the Troops
- from Jon Emery
- We received 2 very generous donations since my last report. Mark Aldrich and the folks from Tacoma sent us 600 tubes of glue, a few hundred paint brushes and a hundred or so hobby knives. Phil Segal along with Burbank Hobbies sent 30 paint/finishing sets. This will keep us going through the summer.
- Shipments to our PoCs in Afghanistan have slowed. Some down-sizing, some moving to new locations, etc. Making a shipment a month (about 30 kits each) to the 4 VA hospitals. They are very appreciative. I am compiling a book of correspondence with everyone and anyone who has donated or received and plan to bring to the Nationals for people to see the impact.
- The 2 women who run the rehab programs at our VA Hospitals in Hampton, VA and Beckley, WV have expressed attending the nationals with some of their patients.
- I attended the Old Dominion Open in Richmond and collected an SUV full of kits. Many thanks to Chaz and the folks at the ODO for their continued support over the years.
- I have been asked to give a talk tomorrow at the Annual Spring Conference of the Disabled American Veterans of North Carolina in Raleigh. I will keep you posted on how it goes.
- Support to National Convention
- Assisted in tracking down manufacturers not currently registered. Most have
responded and will attend.
Ron Bell, 2nd Vice President
- Working to get the Convention Management System (CMS) support system stabilized. Am working with Bruce Briggs to come up with a set of guidelines for future use of our existing CMS system.
John Walczak, Treasurer
- Working with Office Manager Kinney to get a feel for where the money comes from and where it goes. Has asked for our financial info to be imported from Quicken to an Excel spreadsheet for easier study.
Dennis Tennant, Secretary
- Work continues of completing the annual Conflict of Interest documentation. Thanks to those who have sent me their forms in a timely manner. The next phase will be to send the forms to the next tier of IPMS/USA-involved individuals for their signature.
Larry Randel, DLC
- Annual Awards
- Nominations coming in for Regional winners and thus nominations for National winners for Chapter of the Year, Newsletter of the Year and Website/Webmaster of the Year. I will be providing the nomination packages for the leading chapters for the board to vote on to get the National winners in the next week or so.
- Recharters
- As of this date only 15 chapters haven?t renewed.
John Ratzenberger, Dir. Foreign Liaison
- Still working international awards.
- One international sponsored special award at the convention; they will have 1 member here ? we may have to help judge.
- Have coordinated with convention organizers for SIG & international displays table space.
Bruce Briggs, Membership Secretary
MJ Kinney, National Office Manager
- To date we will be mailing to 4068 with 258 that have not renewed. We have 111 new members.
- Treasurer Walczak has received the register reports from 2011, 2012 and 2013 and is working with me to get a better understanding of my workflow.
- The 50th anniversary shirts and logo pins are now on the website and I am putting an order form in each envelope that goes out. To date I have received orders for 13 shirts and 15 pins.
- The corporation registration has been renewed with the Secretary of State of Georgia.
- Treasury Report 3-15-14
- Regular Checking - $ 25,640.47 ($1,124 of this is credit card payments for convention)
- Convention Savings - $ 14,286.78
- 2013 Convention Account - $ 28,298.90
- 2014 Convention Account - $ 21,086.72
- Cert of Deposit - $ 48,308.83
- Cert of Deposit - $ 80,909.80
- TOTAL all accounts - $ 218,675.50
John Lent, 2014 Convention Chair
- Vendor sales continue to increase along with registrations. Has sent 2nd VP Ron Bell the committee?s monthly report. We report that 78% of vendor tables have been sold. To date, 55 folks have pre-registered.
Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary