International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Dick Christ (President)
  • Dave Morrissette (1st VP)
  • Ron Bell (2nd VP)
  • Dennis Tennant (Secretary)
  • Larry Randel (DLC)
  • John Ratzenberger (DFL)
  • Jim Pearsall (Historian/Publication Director)
  • Bruce Briggs (Membership Secretary)
  • Mary Jane Kinney (Office Manager) *

* = Non-voting staff or Guest


Old Business/Tabled Items

  • Beginning with the September meeting, Chief Judge Mark Persichetti will be invited to all future e-board meetings to present a report on the National Contest Committee as well as answer e-board questions. Sec. Dennis Tennant will send him a meeting notice with dial-in information prior to each meeting.

New Business

  • Motion made by Sec. Tennant that the board accept the final convention report submitted by the 2013 Convention (Loveland) Committee so that they can receive their share of the profits. Pubs/Historian Jim Pearsall seconded the motion and the motion passed by acclamation. The checks will be printed and mailed within the week.
  • President Dick Christ announced that, due to a family emergency, John Walczak will be unable to perform the duties of Treasurer.? Christ offered John Shimek as an able candidate for the position and asked for the board to agree and name Shimek as our new treasurer. After a short discussion, the board voted by acclamation to add Shimek to the board as the new treasurer.
  • The board tentatively set a meeting time for its August meetings (to be held at the site of the 2014 Nationals in Hampton, VA) including the annual business meeting and convention bid presentations. Those times, once finalized, will be posted on the Convention web site before the convention.

Officer/Staff Reports

Dick Christ, President

  • Nothing submitted for this meeting.

David Morrissette, 1st VP

  • Reviewer Corps
    • Late reviews stand at 85
    • July 2013 to June 2014 - 900 reviews published
    • Wounded Warriors is sponsoring a group of WW at the nationals and they will be getting a free tour of the vendor and contest rooms. Coordinating with John Lent and Jon Emory.

Ron Bell, 2nd Vice President

  • Latest convention update: Hampton has reached the break even point. Any money earned from this point forward will be profit. As of today, none of their tours have reached their minimum required attendance number and Hampton will soon decide whether to cancel the tours and issue refunds to those who have already signed up. They also report that 86% of their room block has been booked and 82% of trophy packs have been sold. They have also mailed out over 300 pre-registration badges.

Dennis Tennant, Secretary

  • Nothing new to report.

Larry Randel, DLC

  • Nothing to report.

John Ratzenberger, Dir. Foreign Liaison

  • In final stages of closing out the international awards, with 14 completed and just 4 outstanding as of today.
  • In final stages of coordinating presentations of awards by two international branches at the convention.
  • IPMS Australia and Canada are having their 50th this year also; Dick C is doing letters.
  • I am unable to get away early and will arrive at the convention sometime Wednesday afternoon, probably late.

Bruce Briggs, Membership Secretary

  • Nothing to report.

Jim Pearsal, Director of Publications/Historian

  • Nothing to report.?

MJ Kinney, National Office Manager

  • V26J4 is at the printers now and will probably be in the mail before the convention. We are mailing to 4216. New members ? 265; Non renewed from last journal ? 177.
  • All 50th anniversary shirts pre-ordered will be in the mail the first of the week. She will have anniversary shirts at the convention as well as IPMS/USA shirts, hats, etc.
  • We received a very nice acrylic plaque from Camp Beuhring in appreciation of the Support the Troops program, along with a card of appreciation signed by many of our service members. Office Manager Mary Jane Kinney will be bring it to the convention. Jon Emery deserves our thanks for his efforts.
  • Financial Report:
    • Regular checking ? 14,302.29 ( 7,717 belongs to the 2014 convention for registrations ) and the check from the 2013 convention in the amount of 14,150.90 will be deposited on Monday
    • 2014 convention checking ? 52,267.99
    • 2015 convention checking - 942.92 ( seed money of 1,000 less cost of checks)
    • Convention Savings account ? 14,288.20
    • Cert of Deposit ? 48,470.57
    • Cert of Deposit ? 81,072.22

Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary