Old Business
- The National Contest Committee (NCC) has approved the National Model Contest Guide document, with edits, and 2VP Bell has made those changes and has submitted the final version to the President. A copy has also been sent to the webmaster for posting on the web site.
New Business
- A motion was made by DFL John Ratzenberger to increase the annual membership dues to $30/year for US residents, $35 for Canada and Mexico residents and $40 for all other countries effective January 1, 2015. Sec. Dennis Tennant seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously to approve the motion.
- Another motion was made by Ratzenberger to increase the annual charter and/or re-charter fees for chapters to $30/year effective Oct. 1, 2014. Motion seconded by Tennant, and approved by unanimous vote.
- Sec. Tennant reminded board members that, from July 1 through Dec. 31, amendments to our constitution and by-laws can be proposed. Updated amendment forms have been prepared and are available through the office manager. He has sent emails to the members of the Constitution Review Board to verify the five members are ready to review all proposed amendments.
Officer/Staff Reports
Dick Christ, President
- Nothing submitted for this meeting.
David Morrissette, 1st VP
- Late reviews are now down to 65. Working with those folks who have fallen behind to get caught up.
- The Convention Manufacturer Dinner and Reviewer Corps get-together was handled well by Dick Montgomery.
- Lots of review items have been received and are currently being sent out to the Reviewer Corps.
- New contacts were also made.
Ron Bell, 2nd Vice President
Dennis Tennant, Secretary
- E-board contacts updated and copies of updated spreadsheet have been sent to e-board members.
- Amendment season has begun (starting July 1). Amendment nomination form has been updated and is attached for e-board reference.
- CRB members have been notified via email to be ready for the upcoming amendment season.
John Shimek, Treasurer
Larry Randel, DLC
- Preparing for Charter Renewal ? updating Fact Sheets and getting tracking information ready. Current Chapter Count: 224
- Added one new chapter this month:
- IPMS South Orange County, # 08-15, Orange County, CA
- July/Aug MnT Report.
- Make and Take Numbers for July/August 2014
- Events:11
- Models: 730 (250 Aircraft,? 480 Auto)
- Model Costs: $2218.60
- Shipping Costs: $406.32
- Shipping/Program Fees Paid: $675.00
- Net Cost (cost minus fees): $1949.92
- 2014 Totals (January to December)(includes future events)
- Events: 56
- Models: 3142 (1241 Aircraft, 1926 Auto)
- Model Costs: $9593.85
- Shipping Costs: $2048.44
- Shipping/Program Fees Paid: $3768.50
- Net Cost (cost minus fees): $7873.79
John Ratzenberger, Dir. Foreign Liaison
- Working on a report about minor issues with the CMS and the Shopping Cart experienced by foreign members attending the recent convention. Will suggest some fixes to the system so we can provide a better experience for our foreign attendees in the future.
Bruce Briggs, Membership Secretary
- Gave kudos to Jared Nuss and the convention committee in Hampton for the speed in which they delivered the CMS data file to him following their show. This will allow him to get to work analyzing the numbers for the benefit of the Columbus convention committee.
Jim Pearsal, Director of Publications/Historian
- Nothing to report this time.?
MJ Kinney, National Office Manager
- Mary Jane Kinney reports that she is now able to walk slowly with a walker, and is slowly recovering from her fractured hip. She has been working from the rehab facility with a "mini office" ( computer and printer) set up in her room. She has also been working on a "job description" for the position of office manager ? but it quickly became a long task list including event insurance procedures, processing memberships and credit card, etc.
Mark Persichetti, IPMS/USA Chief Judge
- Mark reported that there will be no major changes to the rules in 2015. He will send the board notes from the NCC meeting in Hampton. Plans to write a Journal article detailing the recent rules changes and examples showing the differences between dioramas, vignettes and regular model entries. Mark feels the National Model Contest Guide will work great on our web site but may be too large for economical printing as there is a lot of information contained within. No other issues with the NCC at this time.
Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary